
How to setup Tableau Bridge for static files with Tableau Online

Tableau Bridge is a free utility that lets you connect Tableau Online to your on-premises data sets such as excel files, or internal databases located in your network.

It does this by running an agent or service through a computer located inside of your firewall. Find out how to set it up on your laptop.

Full Documentation

  • 0:00 Intro.
  • 0:52 Get Tableau Bridge.
  • 1:25 Installing Tableau Bridge.
  • 2:22 Setting up a Tableau bridge data source.
  • 3:47 Adding a data source to the Bridge refresh schedule.
  • 5:35 Scheduling the data source to refresh.
  • 11:14 Tableau bridge setting soft admins.
  • 13:27 Documentation on Tableau website.

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